Sunday, December 13, 2009

To blog or not to blog?

This evening, while we rearranged the furniture
to make room for Christmas, some loot fell
from the crevices of our startled sofa chairs
as we lugged them from one spot to another.
As if we were shaking them down for their last penny
or crumb, they sighed and gave us what they could:
a solitary dice, a magic-less marker, an army man
with a bent bazooka (or whatever it's called), and Oh!
-- a whole other child, the one we somehow misplaced
while taking care of the two we haven't lost all year.
So we celebrated by falling to our knees, crying
and gasping. "It's what we've always wanted!"
Then, as quick, when we saw it was just a doll,
we laughed: "Ha! Good one! Joke on us, ol' chair ol' pal!"
Embarassed by our premature joy, the furniture
resigned itself to its new position in our home
and the evergreen settled into our living room
like a new friend. As for us, we just sat in silence staring--
holding hands, dazed--at the wonder of it all.

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